Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Universities Seeing the Open Source Light

I just recently learned about UCOSP. The details of the program can be found here.

We are continually seeing academic institutions realizing the benefits of having their student body taking part in open source development work as part of the curriculum. I give credit to those universities or colleges that are participating in such activities. For too long, aspiring software engineers have frowned upon the completion of a degree, primarily due to the lack of relevance their studies provide them upon graduation. This no longer needs to be the case.

As this program shows, it is possible for students to make meaningful contributions to an open source project while attending the school. Not only does this provide them with "real world" experience by collaborating with engineers throughout the world; but, it also provides them enhanced opportunities for securing employment at the completion of their degree. It is a win-win for all involved.

Hopefully, as more institutions become educated on the benefits of such a program, we will continue to see them evolve. Advanced education in the computer science arena no longer needs to be something done in the past, but something that provides great benefits for the future.

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